
BullionMarket.info is a CoinMarketCap-style* index for physical precious metals prices.

We aggregate pricing data from major online bullion dealers and over 30 of the world's most popular coins and bars to generate a physical price average for gold, silver, and platinum.

This data is also available in chart form for historical and technical analysis.

Unlike the "spot" price of precious metals, whose paper contracts do not guarantee physical delivery and are known to be manipulated, the price provided by BullionMarket.info represents the current average to take physical possession of one ounce of gold, silver, or platinum.

In addition to our physical price index, we also display which sites have the best deal on bullion at any given time in 5 major fiat currencies ;) The site updates itself automatically every few minutes, so you're always getting the most recent prices available!

As the price of physical metals continues to diverge from the paper market, we believe accurate and actionable data on precious metals can only come from analyzing the physical retail market, which is at its core a demand for monetary metals.

It is our mission to help bring transparent and accurate pricing data to physical precious metals investors.

* BullionMarket.info is in no way affiliated with CoinMarketCap.